You are here : CRM > Dispatch > Delivery Challan Entry

Delivery Challan Entry

This option allows to create Delivery Challan for Items belonging to an OAF provided Allocation of Sales Items has already been done against it.


Delivery Challans are NOT required to be made for 'Sales in Transit' and 'High Sea Sales' type of Sales Orders.


IMMS provides the facility to create Delivery Challan for partial quantity of Ordered Item, thereby allowing to create multiple Delivery Challans for the same OAF. The pending quantity of the Item that remains is taken care of while creating subsequent Delivery Challans.


Moreover, it is also possible to create Delivery Challans for Items belonging to one or more OAF.


In case of Inter Branch Sales Orders, IMMS allows to create Delivery Challan only for the full OAF quantity of Items. Although it allows to create Delivery Challans for partial Items.


After creating a Delivery Challan, it is mandatory to authorize it. Once Authorized, a Delivery Challan can neither be changed nor deleted but can be Canceled.


Please note that if the flag 'Do you Require Dispatch Instruction Note before Delivery Challan?' is set as 'On' through Sales Policy option of Administrator Tools Module, it becomes mandatory to first generate Dispatch Instruction Note through Dispatch Instruction Note option. If the flag is set as 'Off', Delivery Challan can be created straightaway.


Being a tightly integrated software, IMMS automatically updates the stock once a Delivery Challan is saved and authorized.


A list of already existing Delivery Challans will be displayed as follows -



Enter any text you want to search in the list below. The search is applicable to all columns of the list. Once the text is entered, press <ENTER> key. As a result, the list will be refreshed with all those records that contain the entered text fully or partially. In order to go back to the original list, remove the text from the box and press <ENTER> key again.


Filter By:

IMMS provides the facility to filter the records on the basis of their status. Click on the field and select either 'All', 'Authorized', 'Pending for Authorization' or 'Deleted'. Selecting 'All' will display all records, authorized as well as unauthorized. Selecting 'Authorized' will display only authorized records. Selecting 'Pending for Authorization' will display only those records that are yet to be authorized. Selecting 'Deleted' will display all the deleted records.


After creating a Delivery Challan, it is necessary to authorize it through this option to further create Invoice against it. Once Authorized, a Delivery Challan can neither be changed nor deleted but it can be Canceled. To authorize a particular Delivery Challan, select the corresponding record by clicking on the small white check box. You can de-select the record by clicking on the same box again. You can select multiple records in the same way. Once done, click on the button to finally authorize the selected records.


Please note that -

  • If the flag 'Do you Require Dispatch Instruction Note before Delivery Challan?' is set as 'On' through Sales Policy option of Administrator Tools Module, IMMS will automatically update the Delivery Challan quantity against the selected Dispatch Instruction Note and Item.
  • If the flag 'Do you want SJO and Sales Order closed at the time of DC Authorization?' is set as 'On', through Sales Policy option of Administrator Tools Module, the SJO and Sales Order will be closed automatically for particular Sales Item against which Delivery Challan has been generated for all quantity when the Delivery Challan is authorized.

  • Please note that a DC will NOT be authorized if
    • any Sales Order Amendment is pending for authorization

    • if total DC quantity is not equal to total Sales Order quantity

To 'Add' a Delivery Challan, click on the button and to 'Edit', click on the icon on its corresponding record. To 'Delete' a particular Delivery Challan, click on icon. To view details of a particular Delivery Challan, <DoubleClick> on that record. As a result, following screen will be displayed -


Screen Layout of Dispatch Details

Field Description of Dispatch Details

Dispatch Details

Specify the Dispatch details as follows -


Denotes the year of Delivery Challan.


While 'Adding', current financial year is displayed by default. It can not be changed.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View', Year will be displayed automatically for the selected record. It can NOT be changed.


Denotes the Group of Delivery Challan.


While 'Adding' a new Delivery Challan, the Group which has been specified as default for the selected financial year through Document Control Master option in Administrator Toolswill be displayed automatically. Click on the field to access a list of already defined Delivery Challan Groups for the entered Year though Document Control Master option in Administrator Tools Module. Select your desired Group from the list by clicking on it. Alternatively you can also enter the Group Code.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View', Group will be displayed automatically for the selected record. It can NOT be changed.


Denotes the Site of Delivery Challan.


While 'Adding' a new Delivery Challan, by default the Site if any specified with the selected Group will be displayed automatically. Click on the field to access a list of already defined Sites. Select your desired Site from the list by clicking on it. Alternatively you can also enter the Site Code.


CollapsedRead more about Site...

Please note that the Site(s) will be displayed/accepted as per the following conditions -

  • In case the 'Site Required?' flag is 'On' through Document Control Master option in Administrator Tools Module, then only those Sites will be displayed which have been linked with the selected Year and Delivery Challan Group.
  • In case the 'Site Required' flag is 'Off', then all the Sites that have been defined for the current Company through Site Master option of Administrator Tools Module will be displayed.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View', Site will be displayed automatically for the selected record. It can NOT be changed.


Denotes the Number of Delivery Challan.

While 'Adding', Delivery Challan Number is either generated automatically or entered manually by the user.


Generation of Delivery Challan Number is a flag driven option and depends upon the setting of flag 'Auto Number Generate Required' through Document Control Master option in Administrator Tools Module. CollapsedClick here to read more about the flag...


If the flag is 'On', a new Delivery Challan Number will be automatically generated by the system and incremented by one for current financial year.


If the flag is 'Off', the User can enter a unique Delivery Challan Number manually. The system also ensures that the Number entered is a unique one.

In case of 'Edit', and 'View', Number will be displayed automatically for the selected record. It can NOT be changed.


Specifies the Date of Delivery Challan.

While 'Adding' a new Delivery Challan, today's date is displayed by default. It can be changed but it should not be earlier than the current period start date and should not be later than the current period end date. Neither can it be later than today's date. Press <TAB>.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View', Date of the selected Delivery Challan Number will be displayed automatically. It can NOT be changed in 'Edit' mode.

Customer (Order From):

Denotes the Customer.


Click on the icon on the field to access a list of Customers for whom OAFs have been raised through Order Acknowledgment Entry option. Select your desired Customer from the list by scrolling down to it and click on 'Continue' button. Alternatively you can also enter the Customer Code. Press <TAB>.


If the For Packing List option is 'Off', only those Customers will be accepted/displayed for which -

  • OAFs have some quantity pending to be included in Delivery Challan.

If the For Packing List option is 'On', only those Customers will be accepted/displayed for which -

  • QC has been done for all Items belonging to the Packing List of their SJOs through QC of Packing Check List option of Quality Control and Assurance Module. A Delivery Challan can be made only when all Items of the SJO have been packed and QC has been done against each of them.

Bill To:

Denotes the Customer to whom the Delivery Challan will be billed to.


Click on the icon on the field to access a list of Bill To Customers for whom OAFs have been raised through Order Acknowledgment Entry option. Select your desired Bill To Customer from the list by scrolling down to it and click on the 'Continue' button. Alternatively you can also enter the Customer Code. Press <TAB>.


Only those Bill To Customers will be displayed-

  • that belong to the Customer Orders raised for the selected Customer (Order From)
  • for which Items belonging to their OAFs have already been Allocated through Sales Allocation / De-Allocation option
  • OAFs have some quantity pending to be included in Delivery Challan
  • QC has been done for all Items belonging to the Packing List of their SJOs through QC of Packing Check List option of Quality Control and Assurance Module. A Delivery Challan can be made only when all Items of the SJO have been packed and QC has been done against each of them


Automatically displays the address of the selected Customer as entered through Customer Master option for your reference

Click on the button to continue.

Screen Layout of Shipment Details

Field Description of Shipment Details

Shipment Details


While 'Adding' a Delivery Challan, click on the field to access a list of Shipment Codes under which various Sales Items have been specified for OAFs of the selected Customer through Order Acknowledgment Entry option. Select your desired Shipment Code from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Shipment Code. Rest of the information related to the selected Shipment Code will be displayed automatically.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View', Shipment Code and its related information will be displayed automatically for the selected Delivery Challan. It can NOT be changed.

Delivery Name:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 60)


While 'Adding' a new Delivery Challan, enter the name by which delivery has to be dispatched.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View', Delivery Name for the selected Delivery Challan will be displayed automatically. It can be changed in 'Edit' mode.


Address 1:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 40)


While 'Adding' a new Delivery Challan, enter the Address where delivery has to be made.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View', Address 1 for the selected Delivery Challan will be displayed automatically. It can be changed in 'Edit' mode.


Address 2:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 40)


While 'Adding' a new Delivery Challan, enter rest of the Address where delivery has to be made.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View', Address 2 for the selected Delivery Challan will be displayed automatically. It can be changed in 'Edit' mode.


Address 3:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 40)


While 'Adding' a new Delivery Challan, enter rest of the Address where delivery has to be made.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View', Address 3 for the selected Delivery Challan will be displayed automatically. It can be changed in 'Edit' mode.



While 'Adding' a new Delivery Challan, click on the field to access a list of already existing Cities defined through City-State-Country Master option of Administrator Tools module. Select your desired City from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the City.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View', City Code for the selected Delivery Challan will be displayed automatically. It can be changed in 'Edit' mode.



Automatically displays the State of the selected City for your reference.



Automatically displays the Country of the selected City for your reference.


Pin Code:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 10)


While 'Adding' a new Delivery Challan, enter the Pin Code of the selected City.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View', Pin Code for the selected Delivery Challan will be displayed automatically. It can be changed in 'Edit' mode.


Contact Name:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 120)


While 'Adding' a new Delivery Challan, enter the name of the contact person for delivery.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View', Contact Name for the selected Delivery Challan will be displayed automatically. It can be changed in 'Edit' mode.


Contact No:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 20)


While 'Adding' a new Delivery Challan, enter the phone number of the entered contact person.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View', Contact No for the selected Delivery Challan will be displayed automatically. It can be changed in 'Edit' mode.

Click on the button to continue.

Screen Layout of OAF Details

Field Description of OAF Details

For Packing List

Denotes whether Delivery Challan has to be generated against a Packing List or not.


While 'Adding' a new Delivery Challan, turn this flag 'On' by clicking on it if you want to make a Delivery Challan against a Packing List of Items belonging to an SJO that can be dispatched without Work Order. Otherwise, keep the flag 'Off'.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View', the flag will be displayed as 'On' or 'Off' as per the selected Delivery Challan Number. It can NOT be changed in 'Edit' mode.


OAF Details

Once the Shipment Code is specified, a list of relevant OAFs will be displayed in a grid as follows -


While 'Adding' a Delivery Challan, this grid will be populated with a list of OAFs belonging to the combination of selected Customer and Bill To Customer. But only those OAFs will be considered that have Items with the selected Shipment Code.


Please note that if the flag 'Do you Require Dispatch Instruction Note before Delivery Challan?' is set as 'On' through Sales Policy option of Administrator Tools Module, this grid will be populated with only those Customer Orders and their OAFs for which Dispatch Instruction Notes have already been created through Dispatch Instruction Note option.


Click on the small white box to select or de-select OAFs for which Delivery Challan has to be made.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View', the grid will be populated with OAFs for which the selected Delivery Challan has already been made. You can not de-select any OAF.

Click on the button to continue.

Screen Layout of Item Details

Field Description of Item Details

While 'Adding' a Delivery Challan, a list of Items belonging to the selected OAFs will be displayed in a grid.


Please note that if the flag 'Do you Require Dispatch Instruction Note before Delivery Challan?' is set as 'Yes' through Sales Policy option of Administrator Tools Module, this grid will be populated with only those Items belonging to the selected OAFs for which some Dispatch Instruction quantity has already been entered through Dispatch Instruction Note option.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View', the grid will be populated with Items of OAF(s) for which the selected Delivery Challan has been made.


Please note that you can not add or change an Item from this grid.

Following are the important columns in this grid -


Sales Item Code:

Displays the Code of Sales Item for your reference.


Sales Item Name:

Displays the Name of Sales Item Code for your reference.


WH Code:

Displays the Warehouse to which the Sales Item has been Allocated for your reference.



Displays the Quantity of Sales Item mentioned in its OAF for your reference.


Alr. DC Qty(IUOM):

Displays the total Quantity of Sales Item for which Delivery Challan has already been made for your reference.


Max DC Qty(IUOM):

Displays the maximum Quantity of Sales Item for which Delivery Challan can be made for your reference. It is calculated as -

Max DC Qty = Allocated Qty - 'Alr. DC Qty'.

But in case the Dispatch Instruction Note has already been generated for some or full quantity of the Item, than in that case it is calculated as follows -

Max DC Qty = Dispatch Instruction Qty - 'Alr. DC Qty'.

DC Qty:

Denotes the Quantity of Sales Item for which Delivery Challan has to be made.


While 'Adding' a new Delivery Challan, this field will be displayed as blank. Click on the field.

In case the Item does NOT maintain Serial No / Batch No / Inward Batch No, following screen will be displayed -


(Type : Numeric, Length : 9.4)

Click on the field. Now enter the Quantity of Delivery Challan for the Sales Item. It can not be more than the Quantity mentioned in 'Max DC Qty' field of the grid.

In case of 'Edit', and 'View', the quantity of Delivery Challan will be displayed automatically as per the selected Delivery Challan Number. It can be changed in 'Edit' mode.


Click on 'Ok' button to go back to the previous grid. As a result the entered quantity of the Item will be displayed automatically in the 'DC Qty' field of the grid. It can not be changed from this field.


Click on 'X' button to discard.


Alternatively you can also click on button to automatically fill quantity displayed in 'Max DC Qty' for all Items into 'DC Qty' field. Click on button to reverse the action.


Specify Remarks, if any related to the Sales Item.


While 'Adding' a new Delivery Challan, this field will be displayed as blank.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View', the Remark will be displayed automatically as per the selected Delivery Challan Number. It can be changed in 'Edit' mode.


Click on the field. Enter the Remarks followed by <TAB>.

Product / Spare Size:

Please note that this field will be displayed only if 'Do you want to fetch Product Size in Quotation Entry from Item Master?' flag is set as 'On' through Sales Policy option of Administrator Tools module.


Automatically displays the size of the Item as entered through Item Master Basic Detail - Entry option of Materials module for your reference purpose. It can not be changed.

Click on the button to continue.

Screen Layout of Transport Details

Field Description of Transport Details

While 'Adding' a Delivery Challan, all the following fields will be displayed blank.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View', values in all the following fields will be displayed automatically as per the selected Delivery Challan Number. They can be changed in 'Edit' mode.


Transport Details

Stores Transport related details as follows -


Mode of Dispatch:

Specify the Mode of Dispatch of the Delivery Challan.


Click on the field to access a list of already existing Modes of Dispatch defined through Codes Master - Entry (Code Type = 'MOD ') option of Administrator Tools module. Select your desired Mode of Dispatch from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Mode of Dispatch Code.


Specify the name of Transporter.

Click on the field to access a list of already existing Transporters defined through Codes Master - Entry (Code Type = 'TR') option of Administrator Tools module. Select your desired Transporter from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Transporter Code.

Transport Address 1:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 80)

Enter the full postal address of the Transporter.


Transport Address 2:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 80)

Enter the full postal address of the Transporter.

LR/Docket No:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 10)

Enter the Lorry Receipt or Airway Bill Number.


LR Date:

Enter the Date of Lorry Receipt Number.

Road Permit No:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 30)

Enter the Road Permit Number of the transporter.


Please note that in case -

  • the flag 'Road Permit Received?' for the selected Internal Orders is set as 'On' through Sales Order Receipt Entry option and the flag 'Allow to make Invoice without Road Permit' is set as 'Off' through Sales Policy option of Administrator Tools Module, then it is compulsory to enter the Road Permit No. Otherwise IMMS will not allow to save the Delivery Challan.
  • the flag 'Road Permit Received?' for the selected Internal Orders is set as 'On' through Sales Order Receipt Entry option and the flag 'Allow to make Invoice without Road Permit' is set as 'On' through Sales Policy option of Administrator Tools Module, than if the user has not entered the Road Permit No., IMMS will display an appropriate message informing the same but also allows the user to continue saving the Delivery Challan.
  • for rest of the combinations, IMMS allows to save the Delivery Challan.

Road Permit Date:

Enter the Road Permit Date of the transporter.

Vehicle No:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 60)

Enter the Vehicle Number carrying the dispatch.

City/Port of Loading From:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 40)

Enter the name of the City or Port from where dispatch will be loaded.

Net Wt.:

(Type : Numeric, Length : 9.3)

Enter the Net Weight of the dispatch.

City/Port of Loading To:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 40)

Enter the name of the City or Port from where dispatch will be unloaded.


Gross Wt.:

(Type : Numeric, Length : 9.3)

Enter the Gross Weight of the dispatch.


No of Article/Boxes:

(Type : Numeric, Length : 12)

Enter the number of Articles or Boxes the Dispatch is carrying.


Packing List Print Facility:

Select the file having Packing List by clicking on the 'Browse' button. Another screen will be displayed to select the file from appropriate location. Once selected, name of that file will be displayed in this field.


Enter Remarks, if any related to the dispatch.

Click on the button to continue.

Screen Layout of Other Details

Field Description of Other Details

While 'Adding' a Delivery Challan, all the following fields will be displayed blank.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View', values in all the following fields will be displayed automatically as per the selected Delivery Challan Number. They can be changed in 'Edit' mode.


Marks & Nos:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 80)

Enter any Markings and Numbers assigned for Items for dispatch.


Pre Carriage By:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 40)

Enter the name of Pre Carrier.


Place of Receipt by Pre-Carrier:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 40)

Enter the Place where the Pre Carrier will receive the dispatch.



(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 80)

Enter the Reference.


Customer Ref Number:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 20)

Enter the Customer Reference Number.


Customer Ref Date:

Enter the Customer Reference Date. Please note that it is mandatory to enter Customer Reference Date if Customer Reference Number has been entered. Otherwise it can be left blank.


Once you have entered all the information related to the Delivery Challan, click on 'Save' button to save it or 'Cancel' to discard. The control will go back to the list.