You are here : CRM > Dispatch > Delivery Challan Entry Delivery Challan Entry
While 'Adding' a Delivery Challan, this grid will be populated with a list of OAFs belonging to the combination of selected Customer and Bill To Customer. But only those OAFs will be considered that have Items with the selected Shipment Code.
Please note that if the flag 'Do you Require Dispatch Instruction Note
before Delivery Challan?' |
Click on the small white box to select or de-select OAFs for which Delivery Challan has to be made.
In case of 'Edit', and 'View', the grid will be populated with OAFs for which the selected Delivery Challan has already been made. You can not de-select any OAF.
Click on the button to continue.
In case the Item does NOT maintain Serial No / Batch No / Inward Batch No, following screen will be displayed -
(Type : Numeric, Length : 9.4)
Click on the field. Now enter the Quantity of Delivery Challan for the Sales Item. It can not be more than the Quantity mentioned in 'Max DC Qty' field of the grid.
In case the Item requires Serial No / Batch No / Inward Batch NoRead more...
In case of 'Edit', and 'View', the quantity of Delivery Challan will be displayed automatically as per the selected Delivery Challan Number. It can be changed in 'Edit' mode.
Click on 'Ok' button to go back to the previous grid. As a result the entered quantity of the Item will be displayed automatically in the 'DC Qty' field of the grid. It can not be changed from this field.
Click on 'X' button to discard.
Alternatively you can also click on button to automatically fill quantity displayed in 'Max DC Qty' for all Items into 'DC Qty' field. Click on button to reverse the action.